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Celebrating 20 years online!

Latrobe Valley Tennis Association Inc. celebrates 20 years online this year.

Back in 1999 the whole concept of a fully functioning website for a non profit sporting club was something to dream of.

20 years ago the then LVTA Secretary Lesa Bradbury (Domagala) approached local Morwell internet company InterNet Australis to assist in designing a website.

The main proposed purpose of having an association website was to take the enormous work load off the Score Secretary, Secretary and President who had to complete all tasks manually and be interactive with players and their families.

This year to mark the 20 year milestone the all new LVTA website has launched for use on all electronic devices to keep up with the needs of players and their families.

A brand new feature on the website is the ability to see venue locations on google maps.

This will be very handy for mobile users who can tap on "Venues" from the main menu then tap on the directions link for the club they wish to go to.

Maps will automatically open with directions and navigation via Google maps to the club selected therefore no one will get lost!

We hope you enjoy your new site!


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